Sales skills - building and developing
Team Building and management
Structural and functional building of the organization
Improving and developing a motivation and stimulation system
Effective management
Negotiating skills and conflict solving
Stress and cope with a stress
Communication skills
Trainings to Managers
Organizational problems diagnosing
Strategy planning
Structural and functional designing of organizations
Developing relationships with the environment and partners
Еlection campaigns and image building
Education, qualification and improvement of personnel management
Business etiquette
Selecting, recruiting and qualifying personnel
Creating job descriptions and role networks
Work and job enrichment
Job-performance assessment and testimonial system
Improving and developing a motivation and stimulation system
Authority, delegation and rights distribution
Carrier planning and development
Control exercise
Communications system building
Improvement of group decision processes
Team building
Social-psychology training
Conflict resolution and mediation in arguments
Leading business negotiations
Promotion and selling skills
Time management
Creating a complete organizational culture and loyalty towards the organization
Establishing favorable social and psychological climate